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The Be Yourself! Program utilizes another beloved book by Max Lucado, If Only I Had a Green Nose. Be Yourself! builds on the YAS message of self worth going a step further in addressing identity and the influences of negative peer pressure. The enduring understanding of Be Yourself! is simply conveyed in those two words: be yourself, that is, to embrace who you are uniquely created to be. The lessons specifically bring to light the seen and unseen pressures to conform to someone else’s image often resulting in negative consequences. The program aims to equip young people with strategies to maintain a healthy sense of self worth. Similar to YAS, each participant should come away from the program knowing every person is unique, important, and created for a purpose.
Like YAS, the Be Yourself! program is biblically based; however, the Master Curriculum Guide is appropriate for either church or non-church venues. We recognize that popular culture’s idea of identity is not the goal in Be Yourself!
As such, our 3-T (Train-to-Teach) Training program makes every effort to steer away from false ideas of “self-esteem.” The lessons include biblically sound, universally applicable and practical methods to renew the mind and change behavior away from negative influences. Again, wherever it is appropriate, the biblical foundations should be shared.
We offer the following written materials free to our Key Partners. For more information on obtaining materials or partnering with us click here.

Be Yourself! Master Curriculum Guide, based on the book "If Only I Had a Green Nose", is a 5-lesson curriculum plan targeting ages 12-14. The activities deal with issues of identity and negative peer pressure and aim to help students identify seen and unseen pressures while developing healthy strategies for resisting those influences that would be contrary to a healthy identity. The manual includes lesson plans and scripts along with a CD that contains all handouts needed.

A simple companion document that provides a one-page biblically based lesson summary for each “Be Yourself!” lesson along with relevant Scriptures. It can be used in a church camp or children’s church setting to supplement the “Be Yourself!”

Correlates to the Master Curriculum targeting the same age group. At New Song we recognize that identity based on popular culture is not the same as identity based on timeless truths. This bible study walks students through a biblically sound presentation of “Be Yourself!” so they can begin to see themselves as God sees them, grasp who they are as new creations, and recognize their responsibility to God, self and others.